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Symposium Series on Post-Quantum Cryptography

Post-Quantum Cryptography

Cryptography is at the heart of internet security. However, much of the currently deployed cryptography is vulnerable to quantum attacks, which will become effective once large-scale quantum computers become feasible. Therefore, the affected cryptographic standards must be replaced by ones that offer security against quantum attacks. The post-quantum cryptography transition may take organizations ten years to complete, or longer. To remain secure and comply with legal and regulatory requirements, affected organizations should act now. What do you need to know - and what can you do - in order to continue your course of business securely?

Symposium Series

The Symposium Post-Quantum Cryptography is part of a series organized by CWI Cryptology Group and TNO. The symposium is aimed at higher management and security professionals from government, private sector, and industry. The first symposium in April 2021 was a general introduction to the problem from the perspective of industry, government, and end user. The second episode of November 2021 zoomed in on a number of specific topics, including quantum-safe PKI, the relation between PQC and QKD, and PQC standards & implementation.

Symposium Post-Quantum Cryptography - Episode III

Theme:  Act now, not later: "Early Movers"
Date and time:  Thursday April 21, 2022, 10:00 - 16:00
Location:  CWI, Turingzaal, Science Park 123, Amsterdam
Recording:  watch


10:00-10:30   Walk in with coffee and tea
10:30-10:40Welcome by Chris van 't Hof
10:40-10:55News on the NIST PQC competition by Thomas Attema and Matthieu Lequesne (slides)
10:55-11:45Keynote 1: Joppe Bos (slides)
11:45-12:30Keynote 2: Jonathan Hofman (slides)
13:30-13:45News on PQC migration developments by Gabriele Spini and Marc Stevens (slides)
13:45-14:15Keynote 3: Oscar Covers (slides)
14:15-15:00Keynote 4: Jurjen Bos (slides)
15:15-15:45Panel discussion
15:45-16:00Wrap up
16:00-Get together


photo chris

   Chris van 't Hof
Chris van ’t Hof is an independent researcher, writer and presenter in information technology. With his background in both electrical engineering and sociology, he analyses the interaction between human and electronic networks. With his company Tek Tok, he makes complicated matters in science and technology fun. Since January 2022, he is director of DIVD, the Dutch Institute for Vulnerability Disclosure.


photo joppe

   Joppe Bos: "Post-quantum crypto: challenges for embedded applications"
Joppe Bos is Senior Principal Cryptographic Researcher at NXP Semiconductors, where he is the technical lead of the Post-Quantum Cryptography team. He will enlighten us on the complexity of PQC migration from an industrial perspective.

photo jonathan

Jonathan Hofman: "Why you should address post-quantum data safety in your product development right now?"
As Technical Director High Assurance at Technolution, Jonathan Hofman is leading the development of high assurance products. He will go into considerations for implementing high assurance products within the upcoming quantum era.

photo jurjen

Jurjen Bos: "Post quantum payment transactions"
Jurjen Bos works as experienced cryptographic expert for Worldline. He will explain the technical consequences of post-quantum crypto for the payment transaction domain.

photo oscar

Oscar Covers: "How financials can anticipate on the advent of the quantum computer"
Oscar Covers is Cybersecurity Analyst at the Dutch Banking Association (Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken). His talk will show us how, from a banking perspective, the Dutch payment infrastructure can become quantum resilient in time.


The Symposium Post-Quantum Cryptography requires registration and is a closed event. For more information, please contact: projectoffice (AT) More information on previous editions can be found here.

Organizing Committee

  • Ronald Cramer (CWI & Leiden University)
  • Serge Fehr (CWI & Leiden University)
  • Maran van Heesch (TNO)
  • Marc Stevens (CWI)
  • Thijs Veugen (TNO & CWI)
  • Susanne van Dam (CWI)
  • Lenny Zilverberg (TNO)
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